Decaying Silos as dead malls

Social Decay by Andrei Lacatsu changes the metaphor for the big social sites that indieweb calls silos. Instead, he renders them as decaying storefronts.

Decaying malls that used to be the place to be seen but are now losing out to the open web is a good metaphor for the coming transition. It reminds me of the old Yahoo billboard in SF, and MySpace’s Trailer Park:

Because this is where we are with Facebook now - it has always felt like a mall, as Gibson said:

I was never interested in Facebook or MySpace because the environment seemed too top-down mediated. They feel like malls to me.

Now we want a more organic, handmade web again.

This also made me think about how the silos degrade our view of the web, insisting that we give them custom markup so our posts fit into their rigid worldviews, each one with a photo preview and title, interchangeable, fitting into their product racks.

So I thought I'd use his images to give each silo a custom preview of this post.

If you share this on twitter, you'll see the twitter image.

On facebook the soi-disant Open Graph is desired - both of these demand separate metadata to work.

Pinterest has a share button that wants further data in its markup.

Google won't agree what it wants. G+ says "use microdata", but will use facebook markup if no google mandated markup is there, and it ignores JSON-LD.

Google search leads you down the endless JSON-LD void of (but also wants a meta tag for description).

So each silo wants it's own special custom markup - mostly to display the same image-heavy degraded view of the real site.

Even Slack gets in on the act - it wants oEmbed markup with a separate URL to fetch, a retro format from Yahoo and Pownce, so I made that too.

Now, this post also has microformats 2 markup, so if you use indieweb tools, and post type discovery you'll see that microformats make you smile.

Kevin Marks

See IndieNews

Google+ users see tiny pieces and mostly of facebook metadata
how does this look?
Social network sites are now like decaying malls, with each one insisting you do custom work for them to stop them distorting your writing. But you can subvert that. #indieweb
Is twitter showing the whole story?… #indieweb via @kevinmarks
Having fun with silo metadata
I just recently finished adding support for Twitter metadata to the blog, mostly motivaged by’s ability to use Webmentions to automatically post my blog entries to Twitter. As I worked on the Twitter metadata I wondered if other silos had their own metadata they supported. Indeed they do, and Kevin Marks brilliantly demonstrates how ridiculous the situation is by creating a blog post that appears different in every silo.
Having fun with silo metadata.
I just recently finished adding support for Twitter metadata to the blog, mostly motivaged by’s ability to use Webmentions to automatically post my blog entries to Twitter. As I worked on the Twitter metadata I wondered if other silos had their own metadata they supported. Indeed they do, and Kevin Marks brilliantly demonstrates how ridiculous the situation is by creating a blog post that appears different in every silo.
Word. 👊
+Kevin Marks​ I can only see a fragment of that page that's true. It won't scroll or load fully for me.
Hah, that's the amp version. I should fix that
Cool, thanks. Then I'll read it. 👍
Except when you use @buffer! I love all things @kevinmarks Decaying Silos as dead malls
Decaying Silos as dead malls -> nice post @kevinmarks. What do you think of blockchain as promising tech for decentralized social networks?…
What centralization is it trying to replace?
Facebook, Twitter, …
Also... Needs to fit today’s and tomorrow’s purpose rather than simply replace.
Blockchain is irrelevant to that. When it is tried you get things like replacing a common name space (like twitter @ names) with public keys, which is a "now you have 2 problems" kind of answer.
I am a believer of blockchain but don’t see that decentralizing social n/w. Agree w @kevinmarks risk to social n/w closing into silos w/o open std tho (1/2)
I did update the AMP version
+Kevin Marks good to hear 😉
Really helpful heat sheet for next time you have to venture into the quagmire that is Open Graph tagging so somebody can share a thing on the interwebs, just like The Monarch! (Who is blogging! On the LiveJournal!)…
Add me on hangouts now dear
well, i';m not sure that the values of itemprop are standardised anywhere. I added values a few years ago, just supplemented with Apple's pubdate (which was, for a time, an HTML5 attribute…)
Reply to Joseph Dickson on Another Open Graph test with the fallback image
Replied to Another Open Graph test with the fallback image by Joseph Dickson (LinuxBookPro) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus rutrum pellentesque felis ut laoreet. Aenean a mauris nec felis consectetur malesuada. Nam iaculis sem ac cursus pharetra While you’re playing with Open Graph, you’re sure to appreciate this entertaining exercise: Syndicated copies to:
Well to the point of own frustrations with social media integration. Glad I'm not the only person that finds this sort of thing annoying.
Social network sites are now like decaying malls, with each one insisting you do custom work for them to stop them distorting your writing. But you can subvert that. #indieweb
Oh yeah, the crud that can go in the <head> to support every hyped new thing is painful
the G+ implementation was a relatively early one, if so that's likely why
Read 4 Questions to Ask When Facebook Displays the Wrong Image for Your Post by Deborah Edwards-Onoro (Lireo Designs) Last weekend, my friend Virginia shared her latest blog post on Facebook, about excellent Ada Lovelace Day posters for women in STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math). Go ahead, download them! … Deborah, if this sort of meta data is your cup of tea, you’re sure to love Kevin Marks’ article Decaying Silos as dead malls. Syndicated copies to: Twitter icon
@LireoDesigns, if this sort of meta data is your cup of tea, you're sure to love @kevinmarks article Decaying Silos as dead malls.……
that's neat, except it may need updating since I'm not seeing a preview here on Twitter :)
I'd check the twitter validator.
Read Always. Own. Your platform. ( Stop giving away your work to people who don't care about it. Host it yourself. Distribute it via methods you control. Build your audience deliberately and on your own terms. Be in charge of the relationship with your audience. Deliver value and then ask for money. Avoid unnecessary middlemen. I’ll admit that I love the meta data cards that Twitter, Facebook, et al. will display for this website will look roughly like this: Reminds me a bit of Kevin Marks’ experiment Decaying Silos as Dead Malls, though I’ll have to see if this site went to the extremes that Kevin did. Makes me think I should do something similar when I syndicate my content to social silos? Hmmm…. Published by Chris Aldrich I'm a biomedical and electrical engineer with interests in information theory, complexity, evolution, genetics, signal processing, theoretical mathematics, and big history. I'm also a talent manager-producer-publisher in the entertainment industry with expertise in representation, distribution, finance, production, content delivery, and new media. View all posts by Chris Aldrich Format LinkPosted on February 19, 2020 12:17 amFebruary 19, 2020Author Chris AldrichCategories IndieWeb, Read, Social StreamTags meta data, microformats, open graph protocol, own your data, social siloSyndicated copies: Twitter icon Related Posts
I’ll admit that I love the meta data cards that Twitter, Facebook, et al. will display for this website will look roughly like this: Reminds me a bit of Kevin Marks’ experiment Decaying Silos as Dead Malls, though I’ll have to see if this site went to the extremes that Kevin did. Makes me think I should do something similar when I syndicate my content to social silos? Hmmm….
What readers support microformats?
Here's a few!… Social readers are a step up from traditional subscribe-only readers. Schema is fine for google indexing, but there's so much more that's possible!
Yeah I feel you there. I know opengraph was created by facebook, but it’s an open standard now though right?
No, it was called Open Graph Protocol, but all 3 words are a lie - it's Proprietary, not Open, it's not a Graph it's key/value pairs and it's not a Protocol it's a data format. More here…
Gotcha. Thanks for the link. I will need to ponder this 😄 I want to participate in the #IndieWeb but the extra classes on everything didn’t feel as clean to me as metadata in a page header. I think I may need to reconsider that supposition.
come talk about it at
They can't even get it right amongst themselves within their own owned-apps.
Great sculpture finds @ChrisAldrich and clever how he attempted to customise preview per site, but hasn’t og:image tags basically solved that particular ‘problem’? — #openweb #tech…
ha! Well done, you were early. :)
Interesting (and topical!) project… #indieweb via @kevinmarks
Facebook that exist to link you back to themselves and demand special markup from your site for their specific preview.…… (2/2)