My First Website

The first packets sent on what was to become the Internet happened 45 years ago today:

The very first transmission on the ARPANET, on October 29, 1969, was the logon from UCLA to SRI.

The first website was posted earlier, but the w3c was founded 20 years ago today too., and there is a gala celebration this afternoon.

This made me think about my first website, so I went looking in the Internet Archive (which was redesigned for the first time in years today too). I found the company website for MultiMedia Corporation from 1997 - note the stylish design by Nikki Barton, the trendy monospaced text and the manually constructed company news blog.

However, hidden away were staff homepages - under tilde as recently revived by, and in there is my first webpage:

Now archived here too.

I put this up sometime after Andrew's birth in April 1995, before Christopher's in December 1996, and never did update it, despite the promise there.

What was your first website?


It's the 45th anniversary of the internet and the 30th of the web. Here's #myfirstwebpage where's yours?
@kevinmarks Got a typo "wat" - being pedantic to make up for the fact that I have no idea where my first one is! ;-)
@kevinmarks I wish mine were still up somewhere! I was 12 and really into <marquee></marquee>
@kevinmarks my first website (a story) or my first homepage?
@mediajunkie good question - I was thinking of my first homepage, though I did link to my company website too
@kevinmarks 30th?
@doriantaylor derp 20th
@kevinmarks what makes 2014 the 20th? Mosaic/Apache rollout?
@doriantaylor 20th anniversary of the #w3c #w3c20 #myfirstwebpage
@kevinmarks ohhhhhHHHhhh. Right. @w3c.
@kevinmarks This is brilliant that you have this - and I remember it! Think you actually still have my first blog somewhere too....yikes.
Inspired by @kevinmarks birth-of-the-internet celebration, here's #myfirstwebpage
Inspired by @kevinmarks birth-of-the-internet celebration, here's #myfirstwebpage 1 min read Celebrating the birth of the Internet 45 years ago today, Kevin Marks shared an image of his first website from way back in 1995 and asks others to share links with the hashtag #myfirstwebpage Mine? I foolishly gave up my first domain (now owned by Funny or Die), but here is an" target="_blank">Internet Archive's Wayback Machine capture from 2000. I think I started this in 1999.
@kevinmarks oh sorry I'm not trolling I thought there was a CSS issue :D There is a certain FU aspect to it; ever think about a design?
@nickdonnelly it's minimalist, sure. Hopefully legible and mobile friendly. Looks like I did miss a close tag today
@kevinmarks ok thanks, got it. looking into it.
Yep. Hasn't changed in years :)
Mine was on the Gainesville Freenet in January of 1995 so unfortunately not.
I think mine was on geocities, but I have no idea what its URL was.
University killed it
The wayback machine has a copy of mine, but I'm too embarrassed to resurrect it :)
@kevinmarks whoa, I went to the 30th year anniversary at UCLA. Even wrote it up at Slashdot…
Always selling yourself short @kevinmarks. When I met you in 1989 you showed me an "information web" demo you'd made as an experiment.
Oh yes, though that was a hypercard stack. It did make bidirectional links though. Was it 1990 we made Vetstream's markup language?
I seem to remember you wrote a pre-www "web" demo that ran on the Acorn Archimedes.
Thinking about it, I think that was a kind of social graph of authors and citations that I made for my dad to organise notes for his book
Didn't we all! under_construction.gif
That's like time travel.
This makes me:
The most wholesome thing on the internet today: my dad made his first website in 1995 and baby me featured prominently
No, that's grown-up Andrew holding some baby.
👓 My First Website | Kevin Marks
Read My First Website 2014-10-29 by Kevin Marks ( The first packets sent on what was to become the Internet happened 45 years ago today: The very first transmission on the ARPANET, on October 29, 1969, was the logon from UCLA to SRI. The first website was posted earlier, but the w3c was founded 20 years ago today too., and there is a gala celebrati... Syndicated copies to:
I like how you were in the IndieWeb game all this time ago already :)