The Joy of Sparks

This weekend's IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf featured some Joy Division inspired t-shirts:

Which made me think of sparklines again. So, I made a Joy Division inspired graph of activity in indiewebcamp IRC over the last 90 days:

The code is in unmung. It pulls from the Indiewebcamp irc logs, and walks back 90 pages. Timezone is UTC-7 (PDT) as thats what the logs are in. I use 15 minute intervals for bins, giving 96 points a day, which seemed to approximately match the spikiness of the original.

See IndieNews

Inspired by @iwontsignuphere and @jkphl, I made #indieweb Joy Division themed sparklines
@kevinmarks Supersweet! \o/ +@iwontsignuphere
Look at this: #JoyDivision goes #indieweb! #btconf…
@kevinmarks Nice!
Selbst #JoyDivision hätte großen Spaß am @indiewebcamp Düsseldorf! Danke @kevinmarks & @iwontsignuphere! 💕… #btconf
What! This is glorious!
The Joy of Sparks…
Jeena, less than a minute ago 2016-05-08 23:36:33 In reply to: Wow this is really artsy, now I want to have it for my posts or something ^^ Have you written a response? Let me know the URL: Send There's also indie comments (webmentions) support.
Wow this is really artsy, now I want to have it for my posts or something ^^
#indieweb @kevinmarks: I also made a custom parser to rescue into h-recipe
#indieweb @kevinmarks: here's what they look like… from… raw json…
@kevinmarks @guardian WAAARGH! Where do I get these cats??
@damiengwalter @guardian you should ask @iwontsignuphere - it was her shirt
@kevinmarks oh wow
For the second time that is not what I was asking.
What. Cool. That joy division cat shirt. Any spares floating around to buy? @jkphl
It's @iwontsignuphere's one — not sure where she got it from!?
I did the punk album cover one for cyclic charts (which is only fair as they nicked it from Jocelyn Bell Burnell in the first place)…