IndieWebCamp SF Demos
Tantek Çelik:if you're not on irc yet it's #indiewebcamp on, instructions at
demo what you have made so far
Amber Case:one thing I got working since last indiewebcamp is a somewhat responsive design on my homepage
the other thing I changed is the favicon to an icon so it puts your face on your homescreen
Ryan Barrett:let me show you haw you auth to your own site using your own site delegating via indieauth
I just logged in using my domain name, redirecting via github
I am posting on my own site, and syndicating it out to twitter - this is called POSSE
Amber Case:people used to discuss in blog comments, but now they do it where they see it. propogates these back
Aaron Parecki:barnaby responded directly from his site, from iceland and this shows up here
now all the comments on other sites come back to your site
Tantek Çelik:these ideas are all based on webmentions - is sending webmentions for twitter and facebook
Dan Gillmor:aaron has implemented this in p3k, and the only other site that does this is facebook [also friendfeed]
you can't get the live comment updates on twitter - we're out innovating the twitter silos
Tantek Çelik:with a third party client like hootsuite, I can see replies
Amber Case:You don't see that on an individual post on twitter, but we have this working
Aaron Parecki:in order to work on a wiki you have to improve the content that is there; this is like that
there are some things that haven't been fully solved - private notes are harder than public
Tantek Çelik:I want to have a discussion about private messaging as that build on indieauth
Amber Case:I keep being asked "how can you compete with facebook with thousands of devs?" the answer is, we are
"do you really expect everyone to have their own domain?" - we used to ask this about cellphones and email addresses
when you buy a cell number you are renting it, and domain names are the same - you can move from host to host
you used to ask "why would everyone have their own computer?" now it's "why only one? Why not in your pocket?"
we're at the 1970s Apple I stage - you have to build it yourself but you can get the kit
Tantek Çelik:social silos are like that greek myth where once you eat from the table you are there forever eating at the table
Aaron Parecki:mail has been largely abandoned by the hacker community - it's too hard to maintain a mailserver
Dan Gillmor:the main idea is that it your own domain so you can move the thing behind it ,
Amber Case:I'm teaching a class, and one requirement is that they get their own domain.
Dan Gillmor:I was trying to explain this to someone, and the stages that you go through are hard
Aaron Parecki:I'm working on a new book which will include a chapter about this - say if you're on background
Tantek Çelik:what if I want to post from my phone, but don't have responsive UI?
we should be able to post to our domains from each others' apps
my demo is to see how to PESOS from instagram, as they don't have a posting API
this site is requesting posting rights via OAuth, but authorization is separate from the token
please don't all stomp on at once, it's still experimental
with IndieAuth, your domain name is your identity
Aaron Parecki:indieauth is like an email address but without the bit before the @
Scott Jenson:there are many ways you can show that you have editing control over your page - you can link back+forth to twitter, G+
anything that has html and OAuth can be made to work. Facebook does this wrong by hiding the HTML in comments
I have implemented SMS and email auth as well as OAUth. I want to get fax working but I don't have a fax machine
indieauth is sending me an SMS with a 4 digit code
I was considering letting the indieauth page be asked for 2 factors and make the user click 2 is one authorization sever - there can be many of these - it's not required to be centralised
Amber Case:I've been experimenting with bluetooth LE chips that broadcast URLs that you can click on from your devices
I'm intentionally making it very visible now, we can make it more discreet
eventually we can put these on zipcars, bikes, museum exhibits easily
once we have bluetooth beaconing on your phones, we can broadcast our indieweb page URLs from our phones
it's a bit like an invisible QR code that doesn't need cameras
Scott Jenson:I was wondering about making a messageboard you can access when you are in the area of The Embassy [ping @xeeliz]
Ryan Barrett:there is no party that can't be ruined by security specialists - how do we make public website have varying accessibility
Tantek Çelik:this is a blogpost on my websites - the comments come from - if I hover over their name it gives their facebook
with twitter comments, I extract their real URL instead of twitter links
look at the comments on and twitter accounts will have real URLs
I'm OK with twitter run things behind the scenes - but we can prefer URLs to twitter handles
the silos do a lot of hard stuff doing massively distributed scalable stuff. we can use them for that
Will Norris:when Tim BL designed http, URLs and HTML he didn't make them only work with each other, they interoperated with existing tech
it makes a nice slogan "damn the man, fight the silos" but they are handy as plumbing
Ryan Barrett:this is something I needed for my site which runs on wordpress. I have a love/hate relationship with jetpack
I like jetpacks Photon API that does image mirroring and crawling, but only works with their plugin
so I made my own version of the Photon image API with things that work better for me - mine is all https
they don't support https properly, and use URL query params for resizing which don't cache well, so I made it paths
it lets me resize and flip images and cache the URLs well on my own domain
it was reading @doctorow's Littel Brother that got me to use https for everything
Amazon announced that CloudFront CDN supports SNI so you can do https broadly for free
Johannes Ernst:I did the all SSL thing a few months ago, and it takes a few hours but is worth it
Ryan Barrett:I work on a thing that is box you plug into your network at home except it runs a webserver in your house
I have bunch of apps running on my server in the house - own wordpress, our own calendar, not google calendar
when we're not running on a cloud server, people put the truth in their calendars
indiebox provisions databases, configs firewalls it's just one command to install
I want to start a kickstarter project that will deliver 1000 indieboxes that get automated update
i've been running this at home since christmas, haven't lost any data yet. In the longer term I'll add an apps
I want to add a way fro people with indieboxes to install your apps too
i finally got a guy from comcast legal, and he said I can do any webserving as long as it is not commercial
one thing I want to do is VPN, and thus we can then talk to each other over indiebox
one of the scars I carry form OpenID is that we could never get people to upgrade their code at once
Johannes Ernst:companies don't write ToS and follow to the letter, they use them as an enforcement mechanism
most of the things we want to do the isp's don't care about so we have to establish norms now
Kevin Marks:in a few years it will be chromecast sized devices that do this
Aaron Parecki:demoing for the gang
Tantek Çelik:micropub is the inverse of microformats - instead of consuming the data on the page, you can use an app to create a post
Adam Brault:micropub is s replacement for atompub and the metaweblog API, but much simpler
Tantek Çelik:one of the things we've being working on is meshing web with xmpp is a simple JSON api for working with XMPP in the browser and with jingle for Web RTC
we have a few tools, for example lets you do a videoconference over WebRTC
we also have which makes it easy to add your WebRTC to your page
what we want to do is make it possible to run chat and videochat from your own domain lets you sign in with jabber and build a chat
you can make these calls now on android because they have WebRTC, but we have to make tools for iOS 'cos they don't
it's a lot of work in progress, but we have a lot of usable tools for hacking on now
Amber Case:I want to do a session on indiecoms - how we contact each other without getting lost in tools
Johannes Ernst:I want to make a comic to explain indieweb to people and get them started
Aaron Parecki:I'd like to talk about what software is ready to use for people who don't want to hack their own stuff [response: nothing]
I want to do a conversation "from 10 to 10 billion" - how we change the whole web to be indie
Scott Jenson:I want to do a talk on apps for the indieweb - how micropub can be a basis for apps
Tantek Çelik:I'd like to have a wordpress therapy session- I'm fighting it constantly. I'm hoping to get tips
I've been running into a problem with non-cash payments - google wallet, paypal, square - how do we do this easily 'pay' verb
no-one has yet asked me to pay by bitcoin or even dogecoin