Homebrew Website Club
Let's get Homebrew Website Club SF started
welcome to homebrew website club - what's new?
I want a circle that has 2π, not degrees
I just happen to have my Tau t-shirt here
That's 𝛕 which is 2π
my website is http://strongl.ink/aaron - it doesn't exist - I want to play with service workers and distributed hash tables
with a service worker I can intercept all the fetches and terminate the endpoints in the user's browser
sometimes you want javascript running without blocking the browser - sometimes you want it running in the background
a service worker is there for when you don't have an internet connection, and can find things that you saw before
a great example of service workers is @adactio's https://resilientwebdesign.com that caches pages so you can read on a plane
if I'm someone who frequently travels on airplanes I can read stuff offline without paying for wifi?
if you're a website for an airline, and they use barcodes for boarding passes, you could cache them with a service worker
so each website owner has to set this up?
they have to have gone to your site before they are on the plane, but yes.
if you add a service worker to a CDN, that could be available offline, with intelligent management
all the networks that run ads literally run an auction on every click - that seems to be too slow
if they just paint into a predefined size, the ad can come in when the auction finishes
combining Progressive Web Apps with AMPhtml is a new direction here https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2016/12/progressive-web-amps/
we used to name all our ground stations after types of oranges, but they were near homonyms
the advantage of content hashes is that you can check that it is what you were expecting whoever gave it to you
hashing splits the source of trust from the source of content
one of the things that @snowden suggested was that twitter enabled people to edit their posts so they had deniability
the argument is that you should be able to do strikethrough rather than deleting or editing - showing your changes
there needs to be social consequences for things - you can say anything, but the reaction is how you learn
part of the problem of twitter is mobs deciding to police speech of others