Homebrew Website Club
a small Homebrew Website Club tonight because we forgot to invite people…
the lesson learned is that personal invitations to events make a measureable difference
#indieweb @kevinmarks: (lots of discussion of 💗and🌟and 😱discussions, thinking about emoji reactions
we looked at emojitracker.com and noticed that most emoji there are used positively, with 😂at almost a billion
then we looked at the least popular emoji and found Applebees trolling a PhD student 🍎🐝https://twitter.com/linguangst/status/662034582607421440 tip @techmeme
I've fixed some interesting brid.gy bugs this week with flickr and photo posse
I used photo posse to twitter at TPAC and saw a brid.gy publish bug that kyle fixed
I started working on letting people login to my site with facebook and twitter as well as indieauth
I was trying to set up facebook login using oauthdropins and found you now need to do a lot of config to get an app
the hard problem of multiple logins is when the user forgets which one they used last time -was it facebook or google
can we rebind users via rel="me" links, via shared email addresses, via matching profile photos?
in 2 weeks, our Homebrew Website Club celebrates its second anniversary, so I'll bring cake and we should invite more people
I'm thinking about making breaking changes to my own site software, and wondering about my users
the difference now is that you fork first and ask permission later - github changed this
last night I updated @falcon to switch from star to heart on my icon that falls back to twitter
I realised that my site ahs been showing twitter likes as hearts for ages because of webmention.herokuapp.com
I noticed yesterday that we have more people posting jams than rsvps in indieweb
I ended up redoing all the layout on my site to make my post footers look better, now I need to test on mobile
there is an opportunity to replace bootstrap with a framework based on flexbox, instead of 1/12ths of width
in 2 weeks it's the 2nd anniversary of Homebrew Website Club, so there will be cake—tell your friends https://indiewebcamp.com/events/2015-11-18-homebrew-website-club