Homebrew Website Club

Tantek Çelik:

welcome to SF homebrew website club where it's all about what you want to put up on your own domain or on the web


I just changed my twitter id - I can't be @kylewm on twitter so I got this one

Benjamin Goering:

if you file a support ticket you can reclaim an unused twitter handle - that's how I got @bengo

Tantek Çelik:

if you do change your twitter handle, do reclaim the old one, as otherwise external links will fail

AOL and Yahoo have both started reissuing email addresses, which can get confusing

Kevin Marks:

all external links to twitter go to handles, not userids

Benjamin Goering:

at livefyre we store the twitter id, not the handle so that it does persist across changes

i've looked into the process of getting TLD this week, and it is very expensive

Tantek Çelik:

the twitter linking in general goes to the @ name not the userid which is fragile

Benjamin Goering:

at livefyre we have to do an api call to get the persistent id - there was an external url before, not sure now

we had to remove all facebook @ mentions because of the api 2.0 changes


we had the same issue with brid.gy and unable to link to facebook users reliably

Benjamin Goering:

you can link to twitter userids via twitter intents - eg @t is https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=11628

Kevin Marks:

I'm https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=57203 on twitter - clearly low numbers have bragging rights like short handles, eh @t

noterlive.com uses twitter to look up names and URLs - if you don't have a url set it uses a twitter url

Tantek Çelik:

Indiewebcamp cambridge was last week, and had more people than last year and more diverse in terms of users

one guy got drupal webmentions working. Drupal is a CMS like wordpress, and he made a webmention plugin

supporting webmentions is one of the best ways to make a CMS indieweb friendly

webmention was made by Sandeep Shetty http://www.sandeep.io/webmention/ - he's in india and none of us here have met him

at indiewebcamp we did a lot of demos at the end of what people got working over the 2 days

someone built an implementation of the http LINK verb - but no-one responds to it. You have to start somewhere

tilde.club is @ftrain's social hack reframing a single unix server as a social network - you have a url at /~username

someone got a demo of tilde.club running indieweb sites

someone else got @withknown working on a tor onion address

@rhiaro got posts working on her own website, and event RSVPs to indie events - webmentions for RSVPs

a lot of people worked on locations of a note versus location checkins explicitly into a venue

in microformats there is no inheritance, just top-level objects that can have properties, so you don't get implied oddness

Kevin Marks:

hierarchies go back to Aristotle, and make sense for filing books that have to be in one place, but not how we think

we instead think of things relative to prototypes - robins have more birdness than penguins or emus

EJ Harkness:

twitter having @foursquare will make it more interesting to check in to places and it gets around the character

I want to post a location to twitter to add context or irony to a location

Benjamin Goering:

we take advantage of twitter geocoding to see what tweets are where at @livefyre

Tantek Çelik:

I went to a @gigaom conference and learned that they are running tons of geolocation anlaytics

Kevin Marks:

geolocation has population density issues - it is hard because population density is a fractal

Tantek Çelik:

that reminds me of xkcd.com/1138

a lot of us worked on event support at indiewebcamp cambridge - redwind does it and known

Benjamin Goering:

what do you need as well as a posting of an event on your site?

Tantek Çelik:

you then need to send invitations and accept RSVPs too, and they expect comments too - lots of thinsg involved

Benjamin Goering:

I've been setting up my domain as an excuse to learn things like google compute engine and docker

if you have your own domain ideally it's pretty cheap -what happens if it is bigger than you can handle?

I have set up my dns record to go to a google load balancer so it can go across multiple sites

Kevin Marks:

it's easier to migrate things across a redundant array of inexpensive clouds with static files

Benjamin Goering:

I am using docker to migrate images between different cloud services

Kevin Marks:

don't forget to ask the internet archive to index your urls as you post them, and they will host CCd audio and video

Tantek Çelik:

scaling is an interesting problem - one of the things we do is make it as dirt simple as possible

a personal blog is well suited to flat files - you don't run out of database connection

Benjamin Goering:

kafka is good at queueing a lot of links in response to a twitter-like burst of queues

google used to have a pubsubhubbub part in analytics

Tantek Çelik:

I deployed PuSH 0.4 for updates from my homepage - I switched from google's hub to superfeeder

we now have multiple people implementing PuSH 0.4 posting and reading