Homebrew Website Club

Tantek Çelik:

IndieWebCamp UK was amazing - I've never seen so many people go from 0 to 5 HTTPS in one weekend

the documentation on the wiki helped a lot, Also Tim Retout was interpreting the crypto error messages everyone was getting

@adactio had a great socratic dialog with Tim drawing out the complexities of https

on Monday Google said they will deprecate SHA-1 in a year, so the HTTPS effort gets to be redone for SHA-2

also at indiewebcamp UK was a complete user flow for going to someone else's site, clicking a reply button and post it to you

by using an indie-action tag, which delegates via a protocol handler that you register for your own site to your site

have you seen Barnaby's shrewdness.waterpigs.co.uk reader? it subscribes only to h-entry markup

to subscribe to a legacy RSS or Atom feed via shrewdness use @kevinmarks's feed.unmung.com to convert them to h-entry

Ben Werdmüller:

I need to dash back as we're launching @withknown tomorrow, go to withknown.com to get your own indieweb site

Aaron Parecki:

new member Joe Myer with http://sportsdatabase.com/ - here to learn

next new member is at yourmom.io

I got some new things working - I added video posts to my site as I had to post a screen recording

I have a new thing that plays an mp4 file if you post it, and I'm just using the <video> tag so it just works

also this week I got bookmarks working on my site - go to quill.p3k.io you can use it to post bookmarks too

Kevin Marks:

today @benwerd @erinjo and I went on This Week In Google to talk about indieweb and Known

Tantek Çelik:

Leo was very excited to be able to post photos from his phone to known

Aaron Parecki:

it was also great to show comments from multiple implementations on the Known site to show interop

Tantek Çelik:

the nice thing about this #indieweb demo was that previous monoculture implementations only interoperated with themselves

Johannes Ernst:

we have changed indiebox into a project ubos.net to deploy services on various different servers on demand

what we have not built in the indie world is products that people can buy

notes from tonight's Homebrew Website Club posted on my site at http://www.kevinmarks.com/hwc2014-09-10.html #indieweb
David Mead Homebrew Website Club 2014-09-10 Captures notes from the UK Home brew meet up. Lots of stuff to implement. #indieweb David Meadpublished this 2014-09-11T02:59:29+00:00 0 stars 0 comments
Homebrew Website Club 2014-09-10 Captures notes from the UK Home brew meet up. Lots of stuff to implement. #indieweb
Bookmarked on davidmead.withknown.com to look through later @kevinmarks. #indieweb