Homebrew Website Club
Aaron Parecki:the way we interact with people falls into silos, walled gardens and we want to bring interactivity back to the web
the first part of Homebrew Website Club is Random Access - everyone talks to the group, then peer to peer
dietrich ayala:if you're not in the IRC channel for indiewebcamp, irc.freenode.net #indiewebcamp
I've been working on micropub and indieauth to post on my site using other people's UI
Benjamin Chait:I've at metafluff.com Cloud9 makes editing and running node easy without your own server
Bret Comnes:I just moved to portland, I'm at benjaminchait.net and fascinated by the indieweb idea
Ryan Barrett:I'm getting distracted by a project called Poet that takes a Jekyll website, loads it into RAM and serves it
Leah Culver:I love doing stuff on my own website, but I need ot meet friends where they are
I work on brid.gy, which sends likes, favorites and retweets back to your indieweb site from fb/twitter
also thinking about private or semi-public posts, to do messaging. That's still hard
Kaliya-IdentityWoman:I'm interested in mobile stuff, so maybe I came to the wrong meetup
everything is walled gardens, and the overhead to make an app is too high
Ben Werdmüller:I'm excited that more people are interested in how people manage their identity online
openid connect is launching in a couple of weeks and we now aren't sure thta si what we were building
jernst:I've been interested in open source community platforms for along time. I'm building a new one at idno.co
I am spending my time building a redundant hub for my home out of arduino and raspberry pi
it ends up being six raspberry pi's in a box to do what a want, so I need to simplify that