Decentralized Web Summit

Brewster Kahle:

I'm unaware of a group like this who has come together to strategize on what is working and not on the web

today is Builders' Day: we are coming here in a needy way to work out how we can work together

Tomorrow is Public day - more like a conventional conference with 300+ people here and keynotes

and the third day is a public open day which is more freefrom

the web has been unbeliveably successful, but centralization has made parts of it stagnant

at the internet archive we make snapshots of the web, but it doesnt' capture an increasing dynamic web

we can't ignore the privacy issues especially after Snowden

and we need to keep the web fun and interesting as it goes forwards

I've never been in a group where we have vint cerf, tim berners lee and the next generation building new tech

I'm going to ask Mitchell Baker, head of the mozilla foundation to give her ideas:


as we think about the decentralized web and building the web, we need a shared idea of the web we carry forward

the web should be immediate: safe instant access to content via a universal address without the need to install

when you access the content you should not need a relationship to see it - no intermediariries

the web should be Open: anyone can publish content without permission and provide access as they see fit

The web should be Universal: content runs on any device or platform

The web has Agency: the user agent can choose how to interpret content provide by a service

the user needs an agent on their side to help them. That is why we still build firefox

Chrome is built to get fastest access to data on a server; Firefox to act for the user

the web through interoperability allows technology on behalf of the user to mediate the entire experience

If we can keep Immediate Open Universal Agency then the web remains decentralized

Brewster Kahle:

the only way I can come up with to be reliable and private is to change some of the basic structures of the web

thank you Wendy Hanamura for bringing us all together

Wendy Hanamura:

you've got to love Brewster because he always thinks big

this started last february when Brewster was asked by 5 foundations to think about the future

he said we want to lock the web open for good, and bake our values into the code of privacy and openness

we called this builders' day - but builders aren't just coders, we're going to need philosophers and anthropologists

we're going to need storytellers too

first you need to know each other, then find principles you can agree on, then plan and collaborate

Brewster said we can get the original architects: Vint and Tim, and the team building the open browser: Mitchell

we asked you what you wanted, and you asked for real connections and knowing each others' technologies

we also put you into breakout groups; I know many of you could be in several of these, but you need to pick one

you're in the temple of internet here, we provide free wifi to anyone in range of the building

this building was built in 1923, which is the date before which everything is out of copyright which is prophetic

Gunners law: 1:when your head is bursting, express the most important one. In a group of N talk 1/N of the time

now I want you to introduce yourselves: Name; where you're from; what you want


brewster kahle, internet archive, universal acces to all knowledge

gunnar from san francisco

richard desaris internet archive decentralized tech in new applciations

sean white mozill, decentralized access in the ral world too

tim berners lee, from the we, i want for the tech we work on to re-empower people give access and control to their data

tim: I would like to quietly produce a new workd this is much mroe empowering than the world of silos

david reed from I want decentalization to continue to live in the internet and prove you can build them

kevin marks indieweb, composable and substitutable tech and bridge to silos

van jacobson, google: make the web better

greg lehan from ipdb and want to recruit help

paige peterson from madesafe

micahael grube freenet want to make censorship impossible

ben trask stronglink i want one content addressing format everyone can agree on

harlan wood - i want civilisation 1.0

dan whaley want to decentralize conversation and want help

jeremy from namecoing: security privacy adn free speech enforced by code as it's mroe reliable

evan swartz of interledger want to help people get paid - dectralized open system for real time communication

zooko of - I want decentraliation fo political power

firas from webtorrent - I want peer to peer usable by average peope and work wiht the web

dc marsh webtorrent, I want to fight for the user adn learn from you guys

cory doctorow from eff -I want a free fair and open internet to fight climate change and economic injustice

dan gillmore, journalist, we need ctechnology to help people read communicate and assemble

amber case, cyborg anthropologist, i want the ability to create more than you consume on the web

amber: we forget how joyful it is to create thinsg

chelsea from MIT medialab, I want cross-generational conversation

simon hassan

dave rosenthal from LOCKSS stanford, tcp and the web lacked pessimistic threat mdoels -we need consensus for thes

David: we want the name to be independent of the location so archive copes are the same as the original

rick whitt google, I want the internet modular, end to end, interconnect and agnostic

Tamas budapest zeronet

Brian Behlendorf, hyperledegr project, I want common protocols to make these stacks more approachable

jason griffey, Berkman center, freedom of access and freedom of inquiry baked into protocols

I want the smallest building lbocks so the differnt projects can interoperate

kyle drake from neocities - I want everyone to have a website that stays up forever

arkady mediachain transcend the advertising surveillenc model fo the internet

mitchell baker mozill: more equitable opportunity for more people

Sylvia Paul your publiscist - I want the worl dot know

jeremy from eff I want a web where poepl don't have to rely on trusted 3rd parties

? from eff i want all connectiosn to be encrypted and authenticated

jocahim from berlin: decentralized application based on shared data

we have plenty of free seats here we want mroe women and people from other parts of the world

courtney muma, intrent archive, I want the web to have a memory

dan roberts from freenet, all people express freely wihtou permission from cental auhtority

Juan, IPFS - I want all the things you are saying - lets make them reality

David from lisbon ipfs, build better primitives for developers independent of connection quality

jeremy of IPFS, I want everyone to have free access to all the worlds information

I want equal opportuity for all humans

Christopher Allen, planet earth, yesterday was 25th anniversay of PGP and nobody noticed. rebuild the web of trust

constance of coala, working on legal technical policies for blockchain and decentralized tech

primavera of COALA I want decentralized governance

Max of dat project I want all dat to be truly decentaized and availbale

Mike Steffens, arnodl foundation, strategic plan for decntralization of the web with real options

Judith Erlich, filmmaker: baking freedom of speech into iceland

aaron archive, universal access to all knowledge. children watched over by machines of loving grace

tracy on internet archive and I want it all encrypted and private: all of it

Wendy Hanamura:

we had lots of requests for press, but @qhardy of the NYT is hear and our incredible journalist Dn Gillmor

(((Dan Gillmor))):

Kevin marks is live tweeting - follow him

Kevin Marks:

if there is something you don't want tweeted, warn beforehand so I haven't already tweeted it

Wendy Hanamura:

tomorrow we will live stream the talks and archive them at high res

Allen Gunn:

Friends I bid you bright good morning

we are about to move into a phase where your laptop is less useful

put your device to the side and rise

Breakout Group report back

1: no reliance on politcal stability disagree on who can restrict others and on accountability

1: there is a tension between equal access and visbility

1: we want to build a standard way to address content and self-soverign identity that is cryptographic

1: we want to build a peer to peer encrypted channel without a central authority

1: hard to avoid regulatory capture

2: agreed on talking bout governace, interop, extensibility and cryto

2: there is alway some form of governance so we need to talk about it

2: interop - define minimum standards or building blocks not a monolith

2: community standards of censorship resistance and dealing with harrassment and abuse

2: lost fo discgreements on enryption and signing

3: agree that decentralization is a means not an ends

3: division of control baked into the infrastructure to resits capture and enclosre

3: emphasise the idea of the end user able to interface wiht the decenntraised system not a center

3: disagree on whether kinds of tech are bad or good or factors

3: complicating factors around access to kinds of data

3: how to prevent recentralisation and an endless loop so we'r not back in 15 more years

4: agreed on no central authorities -aspiration that files are content adressable

4: disagree on need to replace ICANN especially multi-state

4: idea: court institutional support for decentralised web

5: agreed we should be working systemic decntralisation on top of technical requirements

5: decentral governance is necessary to rpesevre decentral tech

5: content accessibility is import but has lots of sub-parts - rootless identifiers

5: not require http but map to multiple protocols

5: security requirements baked in on day 1; privacy baked in

6: agreed on openess of access and public data stored so everyone can access it

6: some disgreemnet about free of charge to the public access

6: disagreement on the idea of filtering and whether people are putting their data on the networks

6: and disagree on how you define sub-groups - inclusively or exclusively inherently

6: the hard problem is how you define the boundaries of groups

Van Jacobson's Named Data Network

Jim Nelson:

Just before this started a young guy showed up and wanted to show Van Jacobson his networking stack

If we can decentralize the internet, do we need to worry about decentralising the web?

Van Jacobson:

we want to do both. There are incredible things happening in the dentralized web that will change the world

the web chanegd the world, but it was build on IP which assumed telephony point to point connectsions

you may find that what you want to achieve with a decentralised version has problems with the IP basis

Jim Nelson:

in Named Data Network a packet has name duRI not an IP address. How does that work?

Van Jacobson:

the web chanegd our model of how the world works - for most people the internet is irrelevant except for the web

wiht the web you give a name and get informtion back - it is a transctional model and we shoudl not build on that

rather than building on top of the web, we should push that transactional model down the layers

when you go to you run a stack of protocols, but as a user I think of it as a data hierachy

if your view of is as a set of machines, you need to wrap them in certificates to check

in the NDN model you announce the name, and use that to look up. You can't trust where you got it from

you have to get the trust from the information itself, not form where you obtained it

the basic structure gives a packet the url of where you got it from and a signature that asserts it is an answer

any security model that we are capable of building today needs certificates and addresses

when the data is not reliant on the network path you got it from but can be from anywhere, it works in new ways

what you are asking for is more important that the path back to you, so it can be asked anonymously too

the current abstraction means the router can't know if the endpoints have got what they needed. we can fix this

because the information is write once it is all cacheable


why is it better to do this at the lower level and not on top of IP?

Van Jacobson:

we have a lot of structural problems with IP -

with about 2Bn users of the 6Bn world population it is hard to add the next people

the IP routing model encourages monopolies to form - it is hard to deploy in rural areas

one of the problems that Vint and the IAG discussed at length was how to get from phone to new protocols

you need a strategy to get from where you are to where you want to be - IP works as an overlay on anything

so you can run NDN over IP, but you could also run IP over NDN


how do you find the performance difference between NDN vs BDN/IP?

Van Jacobson:

an IP identifier is very restricted; NDN is just a hierarchical structure, not special

the extra cost with NDN is the security as producer has to sign every packet, which takes more work

the sender is trying to prove to the receiver that they should receive that information


a lot of our specs are open source and open standard for adoption. Is NDN open source?

Van Jacobson:

the NDN software base is all GPLv3 and is on github see

Jim Nelson:

what shell do you use?

Van Jacobson:

I'm a dinosaur so it flips between bash and tcsh

Cory Doctorow and Zooko

Cory Doctorow:

can you give a 2 minute recap?


I worked with David Chung after dropping out of college

I then worked on PGP for a few years then moved to SF

I then came to Sf and met Bram Cohen and went to Mojo Nation

Bram said 'fuck this, it's not working' and went off and made bittorrent by throwing away 5 of 6 features

Cory Doctorow:

biran eno calls it being the first person to not do something people hadn't not done before


the I worked on zRTV for voice on the internet

and then I met Brian and worked on Tahoe, where we threw out different things than Bittorrent

now I'm working on zcash which is a distributed currency that has privacy built in

Cory Doctorow:

with bittorrent the more popular a file gets the more it is shared, with businesses that should work with money


as hackers we think of DHT etc as tools, but the most powerful tool is the feedback loop of business allocation

Cory Doctorow:

firms are vulnerable when they are a little successful when you are ressponible for your friends' pay

the second way is when the companies grow and are under threat from specialised shareholders taking control


big businesses are harmful; they become coercive.Can you stop them getting into the monopoly stage?

if you are trying to build good things you have to use this most powerful tool and know about its effects

this reminds me of the p2p conference in 1999 - I don't want it to be this long again

Cory Doctorow:

I used to use the line that the DCMA is so old people still though VR was a good idea. I can't say that anymore

what reignited lot fo people's excitement about decntralisaton was the success of bitcoin

you talk about how crypto can separate content from hosting and control


I reject "decentralize all the things" My goal is to uphold human rights

with math you can separate who you rely on for communication for who you may be spying on your comms

Christopher Allen:

what have we learned from the first era?


I don't know

Cory Doctorow:

in the early day we made some Uber-ish bets on copyright law giving way

we had a de facto change where lots got normalised, but no de jure change so you can be sued for all you have


there was a technological determinism that judges would come round. are we still naive?

Cory Doctorow:

what we found that companies that get big enough can change things see Uber- why that works I'm nto sure


the taxi companies are local whereas uber is global, thta makes a difference


are market allocation and peer production in competition, and which is a better mechanism?


I don't like open loop answers where it's not clear how things are going to work

bitcoins tit fot tat wasn't money, but ti wasn't love either

Cory Doctorow:

do likes count?


my answer to CHelsea's question si that the monetary loops have high stability


(david reed) if the monetary loops are way too powerful, what happens if they're not linear like bittorrent

(david reed) how do to you prevent facebook from owning everything though network graphs?


when designing technologies that are designed to have social consequences, we have to think about this

the worst failure model we have at the moment is things not taking off; we haven't dealt with the opposite much yet


what structures do we need to achieve that thrust adn takeoff?


I really like sharing of knowledge and science - it's hard, but there is success there

I do like open source sharing which is almost like science, and it is hard too

Cory Doctorow:

someone reviewed employment data - one key thing was the lack of noncompetes in SV beats out Boston

also don't sign patents for your work unless they go into a non-agression pool.

Tamas Kocsis's Zeronet

Wendy Hanamura:

Tamas Kocsis coded up zeronet on his own in 3 weeks

Fred Grosskopf:

we're going to demonstrate Tomas's project zeronet

Tamas Kocsis:

zeronet is a decntralised web project that allows you to integrate web pages without a cental service

when you run the zeronet client on your computer and open it in the browser - you can see decentralised websites

you can see how many peers are serving the site, but not all of them at once

Fred Grosskopf:

so to take down this site you'd need to take down all these 45 sites on the web

Tamas Kocsis:

thats right - the data is resilient

to host your own blog you can clone a node and then share the link wiht your friends

if you edit it it updates for your friends

there is a tutorial showing you how to use this comments are also decentralized

there is also a forum where comments can be shared

you can also follow blog feeds or comment feeds

Fred Grosskopf:

if you're not running the client can you see the site?

Tamas Kocsis:

there are people running zeronet gateways that share out to the web

zeronet hashes are the same pki as bitcoin so I can send donations to each site

there is a 10MB limit so it is for text, not for images

you could use IPSF for larger files


I'm impressed with zeronet - you wrote all apps from scratch. Can others do so?

what is the latency for publishing?

Tamas Kocsis:

it goes out straight to all peers

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